Ilustre Colegio de Economistas de León

"El Colegio de Economistas de León" was established by "Real Decreto" 2664/1083 of May 11, 1983, BOE Nº 247 of 1983 and registered in the "Registro de Colegios Profesionales y Consejos de Colegios Profesionales de Castilla y León", dated May 4, 2006.
By Order PAT/45/2007 of January 12, 2007 it was agreed to declare the adjustment
of its articles of association to the current legislation and to entry its information in the registry and have it published in the "Boletín Oficial de Castilla y León" (BOCyL Nº 14 of January 19, 2007).
The Association's address is 28, Avenida Padre Isla, 1º izqda. León.